Making Lemonade from a Ruptured Capsular Bag | ASCRS
Film 73934: Making Lemonade from a Ruptured Capsular Bag
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
This content is only available for ASCRS Members

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Film ID: 73934
Presenting Author: Jingyi Ma, MD
Producers: Iqbal Ike Ahmed, MD, FRCSC; Ticiana De Francesco, MD
Category: Cataract Complications

Cataract surgery is challenging in the setting of traumatic anterior capsule rupture. This series illustrates an approach to this complication. We show how to effectively use a ruptured capsular bag to perform endocapsular IOL implantation and how to form the capsulorrhexis despite rupture. Mastering these techniques can allow for less invasive IOL fixation and avoid further vitreoretinal surgery.