SYM-22 Surgical Problem Solving by a Faculty of International Superheroes
About this Session
Session Moderator: Robert H. Osher, MD
Presentations in this Session
Case 1: Problem Solving on the Fly
Ronald Yeoh, FRCSEd, FRCOphth
Case 2: Managing Traumatic Lens Subluxation Using the 2nd Generation Capsular Anchor
Ehud I. Assia, MD
Case 3: Tackling the Posterior Capsule in Silicone Oil Filled Eyes
Abhay R. Vasavada, MS, FRCS
Case 4: Open Posterior Capsule at the Start
Oliver Findl, MBA, MD, FEBO
Case 5: Posterior Capsule Rupture
Thomas Kohnen, MD, PhD
Case 6
Lucio Buratto, MD
Case 7: Large versus pinhole pupil symptoms during atrophic iris treatment after COVID-19 vaccine
Durval M. Carvalho Jr., MD
Case 8: The Tricky Capsule
Rudy M. Nuijts, MD, PhD